May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

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Been a Long Night and Somethin' Ain't Right

Day 21

Blogging tunes: SomaFM Deep Space One

Fever-gate continues to elude and perplex.  The one data point from the 10/6 post (related to the 9pm Neupogen shot) actually didn't prove anything, because that night I got fever before the shot.  And then last night, while no official fever was recorded, a mild one definitely came and went.  I can just tell at this point.  The chills/chilliness, the sweats that follow, etc. 

So what's going on?  We still don't know.  These could just be plain ol' neutropenic fevers.  Or there could be something that the docs are missing.  That's why they ordered a full CT scan for me (which wound up taking place last night around 8:30p.)  They wanted 3 scans: pelvic area, lungs, and face/head/sinus.  Not sure how long the results will take.

The scan was simple enough, but now I have all kinds of questions about possible side-effects of the dye they use pre-scan.  Why?  Because last night through sunup this morning was one big (literal) headache.  Like unbearable at times.  I woke up every 75-90 minutes, each time my head hurting worse than before.  At 4am, I got some ice packs, and at 6am, I bit the bullet and took 5mg of oxycodone.  The oxy, combined -- I think -- with the sunrise and morning coffee did the trick.  Headache fully gone as of 8:00a or so.

Why didn't I take the oxy earlier?  I don't know... I really dislike narcotics in any form, and I'm trying to stay off any non-essential meds.  To that end, I stopped the Marinol yesterday since my appetite seemed ok.  I also stopped the Trazodone -- the sleep-aid I was taking -- as of two nights ago.  Maybe that's why I'm only sleeping 75-90 minutes at a time, but I just didn't like how the Trazodone made me feel.  If I don't start sleeping better on my own, maybe I'll try Ambien again.  It worked wonders for me the first time around.

So we've got fevers.  We've got headaches.  We've still got a swollen middle finger on my right hand that's better than it was, but not even close to 100%.  Oh, and yes, we've got hair coming out all over the place.

When Heather comes to visit today, I think we're gonna buzz it all.

So what else?  As expected, no movement on the WBC or ANC counts, though hopefully we're getting close.  As I mentioned at the beginning of the week, we think the soonest we'd see movement is this weekend.  Let's hope!  The sooner the counts rebound, the sooner I get to go home!

OK... onto the non-techno-medical-babble!

On Wednesday, my 51st birthday(!), my good buddy pcal came by to watch the NLWC game -- which was amazing!  Thanks for joining me, buddy!  Coincidentally, pcal's 51st bday was the day after mine.  Kinda cool that we got to spend this bday time together.

Also, the music rig is really a great addition to the room.  The Nektar controller kinda sucks: the action is non-existent; and the MIDI-lag is actually perceptible, but it's better than nothing.  I created a few simple loops to jam along with -- the plan is to add one or two per day -- and have just been dorking around, learning a couple new Phish/Trey songs (e.g. this one that I think Eric and I are going to play to together when he visits on Sunday.)

Lastly, awesome present #2 arrived yesterday, courtesy of Mike and Yasha Sirowitz!  A fuzzy GD blankee. Thanks, guys!  Here's the blanket on my bed

And here's me last night with football on iPad, baseball on TV, and blanket over my legs/feet.

That's it for today.



  1. Awesome fuzzy stealie!! 💀 🕚

    Here’s to a clean shave and no headaches! ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸĶē



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