May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

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46 Days And The Line....

Monday January 31, 2022 - Day +46

Blogging Tunes: SomaFM Groove Salad Classic

How cool would it have been if they had removed my Hickman Line today?  Then this blog title could be "46 Days and the Line came out."  Alas, Hickman Line removal now scheduled for 2/14.  So two more weeks of flushing the lines each day (as long as the supplies get delivered!), two appointments this week, two next week, and then starting 2/14, we'll be down to once a week; with 2/14 being a double appointment (normal appt + Hickman removal.)  Great way to kick off our wedding anniversary, right beb? Beb. Beb.

Ok, so you've heard me mention my Hickman Line, but you don't know what it is, and you've never looked it up?  No problem.  In addition to the info link, here's a pic.

Yeah, that's right... I may be tired and bald (head to toe) but I'm a fierce-ass, transplant-recovering mo-fo.  As long as that thing is coming out of my chest, I feel like a borg though -- and can't go in the hot tub, among other things -- so I'm psyched to be getting it removed.  

There are also positive health implications!  I've been off the IV Mag for a few weeks now, and haven't needed a single transfusion (thankfully) since discharge.  Obviously, they think that trend will continue or they wouldn't give the go-ahead to remove it.

Nothing else too exciting to report from today's UCSF visit -- which is GREAT.  Counts are pretty much the same as Monday with a couple things slightly up.  We really don't want anything to talk about, other than continued positive numbers.

Oh, now that Gramma's gone, we've started up the Meal Train again for Feb and March.  Major shout outs to Jen K, Nikki, Tammy, and Xantha for early sign-ups.  Speaking of Jen, she is the queen of soups.  Not only was the carrot/ginger soup amazing, but this weekend she dropped off some mushroom/cauliflower soup with this garlic/pesto garnish which was off the charts delish.

Of course, the big question is, who's going to dethrone Xantha?  Her chicken adobo took top billing last time.  Todd, Fabrice, and Tammy all were very close -- everyone who cooked did an amazing job -- but Xantha was the winner.  C'mon... I dare y'all wanna-be Top Chefs to throw down. :)

Finally, as my energy increases, it's time to start thinking about easing into work.  All the AML-recovery docs say "4 months minimum" for being off from work.... I'm shooting for 1.5 months this time. Of course, I won't be going back full-time to start.  I'm thinking a few hours a day 4-days a week once I'm down to 1 UCSF appointment a week. I'm in touch with my work peeps and we're working on a plan.  I'll keep y'all posted.



  1. Ouch man, I would snag that shit on literally everything seeing how anytime I go back to corded headphones I rip my ear off 4x an hour. 9 days left man 🤞

  2. Gotta unplug it.
    Gotta unplug it.


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