May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Brave the Storm to Come, for it Surely Looks Like Rain.

Monday December 13, 2021 - Day -3

Blogging Tunes: SomaFM: Deep Space One

It's been rainy and grey in the Bay Area for the past two days.  Amazing the difference between my view two nights ago...

vs. this morning...

vs Friday afternoon...

The clouds and rain match my mood.  The chemo effects are starting to get a little more real.  More foggy/groggy and less energy overall.  Appetite starting to fade too.  Yesterday I had a very small breakfast and didn't eat anything else until dinner.  Today, I'm sipping a coffee and one of those small berry smoothies.  Hopefully I'll be able to finish it.

All of this is expected.  As my white blood counts (WBC) go down, the energy level drops accordingly.  As today is Day -3, tonight we add a second chemo that is supposed to be pretty intense.  Then two more days, then it's transplant time.  Wow.

At least my platelets are holding steady.

Waning energy aside, I've been walking and biking -- they have an old Spinning bike in the hallway -- every day.  It's no Peloton, but...

And, yes, that's a bead of sweat on my forehead (you can see it if you zoom in)... I'm pushing myself to get real exercise every day, but it's getting harder and harder.  Now that the Hickman line finally feels better, I can do more stretching and even light weights (I brought the 3-pounders along) so maybe I'll do more of that if the cardio is too much.

The 12th floor has a couple cool things that the 11th floor doesn't.  Like this wall:

There's another (smaller) one of these in my view when I bike.  This is what it looks like when I'm biking.  You can see the right handle bar in the foreground.  Very inspirational.

Also, my room here on the North side of 12 is a wee bit bigger than the one on the South side of 11.  At first I thought it was just the addition of the little table, but it's more than that.  I asked one of my nurses and she confirmed that rooms on this side are indeed (indeed, indeed!) a little bigger.  The extra 2 feet (or whatever it is) really makes all the difference in terms of being able to move around comfortably and for my computer and keyboard setup.  

OK, gonna do some walking and then get a shower (and a wardrobe change) so I can be somewhat presentable for H's visit today.  🥰



  1. It is so like you to find a way to keep up your exercise even under these circumstances! You have a village behind you and I am proud to be a part of that group. Sending love to you, Heather and the boys.

  2. Love that you are able to great for the body and spirit. We are thinking of you and sending all our love and encouragement your way.

  3. You're amazing. Sending all the vibes!

  4. But I'll still sing you love songs
    Written in the letters of your name... jgwkia 2.0!

  5. Hey jg,

    Wishing you the best from all of the vSiders. :) Love ya'!

  6. Two more days!! Hang in there, JG.

  7. Don't know how I didn't find your blog until just now?! Stay strong JG! Love, The Dearings.

  8. Taking the 6/11/76 LLR out for a drive in the background while thinking of you. Stay sweaty, stubborn and strong for us bud. Love you.

  9. Happy you're able to get on the bike a bit, John. As always, this K.A. attitude is gonna getcha thru. Love to the fam. -- Erin


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