May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Mohs Update 5: Finishing Up

Well, it's done. I'm going to look like someone who lost a fight for several weeks, but it went as good as it could. Dr. Aaron doesn't even want to do an MRI as she thinks it's extremely unlikely that the cancer invaded. Follow up in two weeks.

We're also not doing any repair or plastic surgery. Apparently, this is just going to..... heal. Doesn't seem possible to me considering what it looks like right now. And yes, I took pictures, and no I'm not going to post them here. At some point I will upload them to and provide a link for those brave souls who want to see.

Now I gotta get home and rest. Ice for 15 mins of every hour on this big pressure dressing. Tomorrow, just a bandage. Oh, and I'm probably going to have to shave my whole face since they needed to shave quite a bit for the dressing adhesive.

The weirdest thing about this whole experience was the smell of burning flesh when they were stopping the bleeding after removing the cancerous cells. Couldn't feel it, but could smell it. Wacky.

More soon.

-jg (iPhone)


  1. Great news!!! Thanks so much for blogging!! :) <3

  2. &%#* awesome!! Cue the Rocky theme

    Re: looking like you lost a fight: tell people "you should see the other guy"

  3. Woo-hooo!! Couldn't hope for a better result. Congrats, dude.. Kicking ass isn't even a thing for you anymore. :)

    Rock and also roll. Mostly rock.

    Hugs to you.


  4. So happy for you and the family dude! You were in my thoughts yesterday and today.

    I have a hard time picturing you looking tough though... ;)

  5. Great news, John. You can remove that badge from your header graphic now :)


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