May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

All the Cops in the Donut Shops say

Blogging Tunes: Groove Salad

As of this morning, we are 92% of the way to our $100k goal for Salesforce HQ to raise $100k for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light the Night Walk.

So close!

The San Francisco walk is this Thursday, October 18th in Union Square in San Francisco. Festivities start at 5pm and the walk begins at 7pm.  If you want to join our team or still wish to donate you still can via these links:

  • San Francisco team page (join us!)
  • My page (I have raised over $21k - my goal is $25k)
  • Lunch with Marc contest (sfdc HQ/SM employees, please see the Light the Night Chatter group in the 62 org for details)

There are a few other Bay Area Walks (info here) and hundreds of Walks all over the US. Wanna walk in your city next year?  Go for it!

Championing this effort has been an incredible experience.  It's been really cool to see everyone rally for such a good cause.  I hope to see some of you out there this Thursday. And don't fret Giants fans, there will be a big screen in Union Square to watch the game during the pre-walk festivities.

Anyway, no real update for me wrt my health, so I guess that's good.  My appointments are down to every six weeks (were: twice a week; once a week; every two weeks; every three weeks; once a month; and now every six weeks.)  Still on Tac, Acyclovir, Fluconisole, Gleevec, and Septra for meds, but can hopefully start tapering soon.  I haven't weighed myself recently, but some of my pants are getting snug.  I think the days of "eat whatever I want, whenever I want, as much as I want" are over. Range-of-motion seems to be increasing ever-so-slightly.

One noteworthy item: I've been riding my bike to the ferry more often.  Twice a week last week and probably twice a week this week.  Also, since they opened the stairs in Landmark, I've been walking up to the 7th floor (from the lobby) at least once a day.  Feels pretty good to get the (non-cancerous blood) flowing.

And of course, a blog entry wouldn't be complete without one picture.  Here's one from a couple week's ago at Brandon's place.  We actually do get a bit of an autumn season in San Rafael:

Floyd, Havana, Dawson, and Orion play in the leaves
Kickin It Tigers Style,



  1. Another great post! Another adorable photo of the kids. Thanks for posting! :)


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