May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

His Hair was Perfect!

Blogging tunes: - Groove Salad

Ahhh-ooooooooo!  Werewolves of San Rafael.  So much has happened since my last update -- most of it very good, some of it not so great.  I will provide a medical update, share some highlights and a few pics.

On a personal note, trick or treating in San Rafael last night was awesome.  It was a balmy 69 degrees after sundown, and it seemed that everyone in town converged on the Gerstle Park neighborhood. Fortunately, Eyan got some good pics of the fam. Also some of the houses were absolutely spooktacular -- didn't get many pics of these.

Oh, and all you NorEasters who are sick of us left-coasters hazing you about the weather out here, you can kiss my skinny white touchas! :) The hazing will never stop (until the big earthquake hits, then the tables will be turned.)

Floyd's tiger outfit from last year still fit him, and Orion wore Floyd's old Monkey costume.

H and O

Hobbes - I mean, Floyd

Ryder, Sarah, Heather, and Orion

Spooky House

The other big event was the LLS' Light the Night walk in San Francisco. There was an amazing turnout and overall the LLS raised close to $500,000 from all the teams and walkers. The top team was "Love for Landers," sponsored by the SF Giants raising almost $85k. Salesforce came in 2nd with $45k. Most of the company matches aren't counted yet, so I bet we'll get up to $60k. Thanks to everyone who contributed!

$45k in four weeks!  Not bad!

Patrick Landers works for the SF Giants and has already been through hell in his battle. His "Day -8" was yesterday -- how crazy is that -- so his transplant is coming up in 7 days.

And then we will execute on our plan for a killer LLS/Giants/Phillies event.

Patrick's story here:
Final Salesforce numbers here:
My numbers here:

Donations are still being accepted on all pages. On a lighter note, I did a tune with the Cheeseballs before the walk.

Hop in my Chrysler, it's as big as a whale!

The news on my condition remains very good. I had a minor setback this weekend though. My fatigue level was just insane. Honestly, it felt like I had regressed three months. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday in bed -- not Sunday night though :)  Wooooo Iggles!

I was pretty beat yesterday when I saw my team... my doctor thinks it was just fatigue or maybe I was fighting something, because the counts look good. I'm running myself a bit ragged at work, so I guess I need to slow down a bit -- easier said than done. Other than the pace, work is awesome. It's so great to be making a real impact on the success of a great company and to be on a team where you love everyone you work with. We'll see how it goes.

The other thing that's driving me nuts is my feet. They feel like they are all puffy -- they're not -- and they are always much colder than they should be.  It's currently 69 degrees in the garoffice but I'm soaking 'em in warm water. I mean, really. Soaking my feet? Aren't you supposed to be like 80 years old for that?  Before I go to bed, I put a heating pad between the two blankets down by where my feet are going to be so that area's all warm. Oy vey. At least it didn't snow here ;)

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Sunny and 75 tomorrow, but it's gonna cool down and rain later in the week.

Little Arrows gigs continue as well. Today was really fun, and no, Matty, I didn't record anything -- kinda wish I had.  I lost myself in Standing On The Moon, and played a rockin The Last Time among others. One of the kids -- ironically, named Harmony -- took to giving me big bear hugs during many of the songs. Good stuff.

There's so much more, obviously -- life with two kids under 4 is crazy, as many of you know -- but I gotta call it a night. Go Eagles, Go Flyers.

Full recovery bound... no matter what,



  1. Happy Halloween buddy. Floyd and Owion look so cute in their costumes!!

  2. Hey John,

    Thanks for posting - love the photos!! :)
    Snow all melted here! :)
    Go Eagles! Go Flyers!
    We love you very much.

    Mom and Dad

  3. JG - Glad to have you back at work, pace yourself though. I know its hard and Im the pot calling the kettle black but take it easy as possible.

  4. Woohoo! You do a fine Fred Schneider, I'm sure you rocked the Love Shack (I, myself, had to do Rock Lobster about 12 times in a row a few years back when we played on an ocean-themed float in a parade, so I appreciate the control and nuance it takes to do the Schneider talk-sing).

    Sorry I couldn't make up the other $55k for the Salesforce team, but my money's tied up in... the housing market. The Boston Housing market. The 63 Patten St. in Boston housing market. But 2nd place isn't too shabby... it's preferable in Russian Roulette.

    Awesome pix of Halloween - and I won't bitch about the temp on Halloween - the weather was lovely here as well. I'll save the whining for the freak storm that dumped up to two FEET of snow on some parts of the state. Still better than earthquakes.

    Love ya, bud... keep those tootsies toasty, and record a D*MN Li'l Arrows session! Do you have a digital recorder? Does it work? Here's my plan: put it down on the piano, press the wittle wed button, and start playing.



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