May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Workin, workin' on the Buildin'

Blogging Tunes: Grateful Dead - 1972.04.07 London

Blog post frequency should improve, but the posts will be much shorter. The better I feel, the shorter the posts will be. That means you don't want to see a long post after this. :)  My time just got a whole lot shorter.

Yes, today was my re-first day of work.  I left the house at 7:36, had to literally run across the Ferry parking lot to catch the 7:50 Ferry to SF.  The stitch on my right side (from the little skin biopsy they took yesterday) didn't like that very much, and I ran out of breath pretty quick.  By the time I was at the crosswalk to enter the actual terminal, I heard the "last call, all aboard" over the loud speaker. I think I was the fourth to last person allowed on... *just* made it.  Tomorrow I'll leave at 7:33 and things will be easier.

First day was great... Even though I wasted some time getting my new workstation configured and dealing with some HR/benefit mishigas, it was really productive.

I took the 5:50 back to Larkspur, and after some chinese food, watching the first period of the Flyers pre-season game, and doing some more work, I'm already exhausted.  This needing 8.5 - 9 hours of sleep is for the birds, but what can I do....except keep this short and go the f*ck to sleep?

Yesterday, I drove Heather and the kids to the airport for a super-early morning flight to Massachusetts. They're gonna be there for two weeks visiting Gramma and new cousin Sebastian while I focus exclusively on work (well, not exclusively... we got baseball playoffs comin' up, football Sundays, and of course, my health.)

Bye, family!  I'll miss you!

Byyyyeeeeeeeee!!  Don't forget to write!

After dropoff, I headed back to SF but I still had an hour to killl before my appointment at UC, so I met Dave, Laura, and Maisy for a morning walk with Buster.

Whatchu lookin at, Uncle John?

It was warm and clear (for a change), so the walk up to Tank Hill was wonderful.

My appointment was good, and my counts are continuing to improve. We think I might have a little GVHD -- which is actually good news -- in the form of a skin rash.  They did a little biopsy and we'll know in about a week.  The 4:15a wake-up call, the airport drive, the walk, and the UC appointment emptied my tank, so I went home to rest before my Little Arrows gig.

Not gonna post full setlists, but the gigs have been fun.  Last week, one of the kids was sick, so Kari asked me to keep it really mellow.  I played all slow songs including Why Worry, Stella Blue, and Wish You Were Here.  This week, inspired by one of the new kids, Rhiannon, I played some Fleetwood Mac. yeP!, you guessed it, Rhiannon and Don't Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow.

Tons of other stuff, of course, but I'm outta gas. Stay tuned for more soon.  Last thing, Gaurav posted some pics of his visit.  Here's a cute one of Orion and Saavi:

Orion and Saanvi

The rest are here on this flickr set. Great pics, ustaad!

Tired but kicking,



  1. Hooray good counts! Hooray GVHD! Hooray Uncle John! XOXO

  2. Welcome [back] to the working week... congratulations! (or condolences, but I assume more the former). I'm still waiting for some Little Arrows recordings!

    Glad you already got your D back on the top line around your morning commute... how ya doin' Midvale?

    Rock on, Mr. G., and big love from your fans out East.



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