May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Time Doesn't Wait for me, it Keeps on Rollin'

Blogging Tunes: Linas Jazz (

Where do I begin when I haven't written in three weeks? To start, let's just say that no news is good news.  The less there is to report about my health, the less I tend to write. Looking at the last couple months, my posts have really trailed off -- I guess that's good.

I actually was going to write sooner, but my appointment with Dr. Damon last week was canceled onaccounta he was stuck on the East Coast (Thanks, Irene.) So I'm going to see him this Thursday -- I won't really know more officially, until then.  Unofficially, my strength continues to increase slowly but surely.  I still need to sleep a lot, but the naps are totally gone. My hair is growing like a weed -- no idea what I'm going to do with it. My weight is still hovering around the 144-147 range. Doesn't matter what I do, I can't seem to gain. The thing that concerns me most is the chemo-brain. It's real, and I definitely have it a little. For example, a couple weeks ago, I wrote a check where the numeric amount didn't match the written amount. Who does that? And that's just one example, there are more. Hopefully it will subside over time and won't affect me at work too much.

* And yes, I'm still planning on returning to work on Wednesday September 21st! *

Speaking of work, last week was another huge milestone: three days in San Francisco (one in the office, two at Dreamforce.)  I got to see so many friends and colleagues -- too many to name. It was very empowering to be part of Technology's greatest trade show.

Moscone West for Dreamforce '11

The keynotes were fantastic, the sessions were great (I especially identified with the second annual UCSF track) and I had several exciting interactions with customers. Even got some cool chotches for the kids! Last year I was on 11-Long getting chemo during Dreamforce. Let's just say it's better to be there live.

On Thursday night, Ustaad Atul invited me out with his team for apps and drinks.  I recently got all food restrictions removed, so I was ready -- I must have downed a dozen oysters along with some fabulous steak tartare and lamb sausage from Bluestem. Great eats, but it was even better to see everyone.  Yo, mg!

Support Managers and jg (with red heat lamps)

On the family front, we've mostly just been doing our thing. Family walks are the new activity. We used to just put both kids in the double stroller, but Floyd needs to walk more, so we've been enticing (bribing?) him to walk, and it's working. Since we're less than a mile from downtown and even closer to Trader Joe's, we try to walk on the weekends as much as possible.

Orion loves the Phil and Ted's

We also set Floyd up with a little music corner in his room. Previously, I had my old Roland Alpha Juno-1 hooked up to the living room stereo, but of course, whenever Floyd wanted to play, Orion would invade his space and all hell would break loose.  Now that Orion is in his own room, there's much more space in Floyd's room, so I hooked up the Juno and the ART effects unit to my old Cambridge Soundworks speakers and got him all set up. That Juno is a tank -- I can't tell you how many times I've dropped it over the years. Astounding that it still works.

Floyd's Music corner

Floyd isn't the only one who got his music situation squared away.  I finally set up my Kurzweil and Hammond on the South wall of the garoffice. Always nice to be able to play along with tracks, use headphones, etc. Here you can see the corner: one monitor visible at the end of the desk, my desktop machine, the music rack (synth and juice goose), my lappie, Phil the red-legged Phillies monkey, and the Kurzweil and Hammond XB-2.

Southeast garoffice corner

We've also been really fortunate to have so many great friends come to visit! First it was my former co-worker, Tennille who brought homemade frozen spaghetti surprise -- hadn't seen her in years. You look great, T. Then, my ol' high-school pal Misha came to visit. I know I sound old, but it's pretty cool to see someone you haven't seen in over 20 years. Misha, her husband, and their three kids hung out all afternoon with minimal tantrums and meltdowns. :) Beautiful family, Mish! Then yesterday, Gaurav, Stuthi and beautiful, spirited Saanvi spent the afternoon with us -- and they brought Zante's!! YUM!  Move North, my friend!

So much other stuff going on -- these are just some of the highlights.  I guess things really are starting to return to normal.

On the baseball front, whodathunk the AL West would be the only compelling race in the first week of September? I hope that one stays close -- TEX/LAA play each other in the last series of the season, so maybe there'll be some excitement down the stretch.  Everything else is locked up: AL East div winner doesn't matter except for ALCS homefield -- similar for battle with PHI/MIL for NLCS home field I guess -- but I can't remember a year where both wildcard races were over this early. Closer to home, I knew the Beltran acquisition would be bad karma for SF, but even I didn't think Los Gigantes would freefall like this.

Bottom line? Arizona is for real and so is Milwaukee, but it's championship-or-bust for the Phillies. When you assemble a team like this, anything less than a parade is a failed season. On a lighter note, here's some more fun with numbers from a Phils/Nats game a couple weeks ago:

All twos (but no man on second)

A couple parting thoughts:

1) A hearty Mazel Tov to Lou and Ariel who got married this past Sunday in New York. I was bummed that I missed it, but Lou actually set up a webcast of the ceremony. The audio was basically non-existent, and the video was pretty lo-res, but it worked! I could see the procession and everything. Congrats Lou and Ariel!

Phils on TV; wedding webcast on laptop

 2) Goofy pic of the day.  Floyd in a basket!


UPDATE - Wed 9/7/11 - I have been politely reminded that I haven't posted the Little Arrows setlists of late.  Here are the last three weeks. Good thing I write these down:

8/23/11 - Little Arrows Piano Enrichment
Hello Song
The Monkey & The Engineer
Wilson >
Africa >
Light >
Scarlet Begonias >
So Far Away
Ramble On Rose
Runaway Jim
Goodbye Song

8/30/11 - Little Arrows Piano Enrichment
Hello Song
Aiko Aiko*
Mike's Song >
Piper >
Crazy Fingers >
Uncle John's Band
Trick Of The Tail
Ocelot >
Fire On The Mountain >
Good Times Roll 
Goodbye Song
* with Musical Chairs game

9/6/11 - Little Arrows Piano Enrichment
Hello Song
Me & My Uncle >
Big River
Strange Design >
Free Four >
Uncle John's Band >
China Doll
Blow Away Jam >
Back on the Train
Us And Them >
Any Colour You Like >
Brain Damage >
Eclipse >
Goodbye Song

Continued ass-kicking and complete-game shut-outs,



  1. Love the Orion pic, that boy has spirit! Awesome ongoing kicking of much ass. See you in SF bro.

    PS - interesting mobile adsense on your blog: "peptide synthesis" or some such.

  2. It was a cellular peptide cake... with mint frosting. Delicious!

  3. Great to see you all and your pad JG. The backyard is awesome and your music setup is great, as always. Thanks for playing the piano. Can't believe how quickly Floyd recognizes the songs.. KKIA...

  4. LOL! Thanks for the Worf quote... I loves me some Star Trek free association (from a good, freaky episode too). Sounds like big ass is continuing to be kicked by you. And Dave is right about Orion, that kid has SPIWIT!

    Rock on, my Bro, and post some more audio and video of the playing. I still want that "JG Live at Little Arrows 9/6/11" matrix/sbd (gotta get the audience noise at a gig like that). Big love, and let's chat soon.


    P.S. Don't forget that Waffles invite I sent you...

  5. JG -Sorry I didnt get a chance to see you at DF11. Looking forward to your return on the 21st!
    My Sox are stumbling a bit here in early September. They had better get it together soon.

  6. Thanks for the update jagu. Yankees yieaaaaaah!!!! :)

  7. I wrote a check where the numeric amount didn't match the written amount. Who does that?

    *raises hand* :}

  8. Hey, JG, it was great to see you at DF, and even better to hear you are still on plan for the 21st - we need your sure hand at CCE! The music setup in the garoffice and Floyd's room is #awesome :)

  9. ROFL - that's what I get for logging onto Claudia's GMail account ... that last post was from me :)

  10. Yo! Happy Back To Work Day (Wed, Sept. 21) ! !
    ...Did it happen? How'd it go? :) I've been checking out the Chatter integration with CRM. VERY VERY cool stuff.

    REALLY fun to see my old Junorbst put to good use in Floyd's room!! Yay! Is the Quagmire sound I programmed still in the ol' mammary banks? (I'd love a high quality sample of a few Quag tones.. low short/med/long, high short/med/long. No pressure.)

    Your garoffice setup looks cool. Did you get your leslorbst hooked up, too?

    Dude.. so glad to get another positive update. Here's to more infrequent updates ahead!!


    Oh.. P.S. Check out the ThePhish room on .. not crap.


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