May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

You Know Its Gonna Get Stranger

Blogging Tunes: Grateful Dead - 3/22/90

Thanks to Tripp for finding me a version of 3/22/90 -- been looking for this show on .mp3 for years.  I had a condensed version of the show from The Grateful Dead Hour on analog way back when, but never found the complete show til now. Thanks again, Tripper.

I could probably write my longest blog entry ever given all that's happened this week, but I'm going to try to keep it pretty short.

Health update: this past week was a big test. I'm starting to seriously plan my return to work, and I need to really be sure I can handle the load. What I'm finding is, after a full day or two pretty-full days, I'm pretty much drained the following day and have to keep it pretty mellow. This doesn't bode well for working 5 days a week. In my condition, commuting to work, working all day, commuting home (and I'm not even talking about biking to the Ferry), and tucking in the kids would not be sustainable for five days right now.

Will it be doable in 3 or 4 weeks? What about if I work from home a couple/few days a week? I'm not sure. I really felt great the week before last, but last week my energy was quite a bit lower. Maybe the lithotripsy procedure took more out of me than I thought it would. The other complication is that I developed a stye under my right lower eyelid. Hopefully some warm compresses will take care of that.

The big test was last Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, I had a work meeting and then spent a few hours in Golden Gate Park at the Salesforce picnic. It was cool, foggy, and windy, but it was great to see everybody. I was on my feet for a couple hours, so that was tiring. At home, after family time, I stayed up to watch the first game of the Phillies/Giants series, so I wasn't in bed til 10:30p. That's a pretty full day and a late night (these days), but nothing too crazy.

Friday, I drove to UCSF (free parking) and MUNI'd downtown to meet a friend for lunch. We walked several blocks to Chinatown, then I walked several more blocks back to One Market. The last time I walked the streets of downtown San Francisco like that, the Giants were having their World Series parade. That was November 4, 2010 -- the day before I was diagnosed with AML. I can happily say that whereas on 11/4/2010 I couldn't walk more than a couple blocks without being winded, I felt absolutely fine physical walking on Friday. Emotionally and psychologically, it was really strange -- it's hard to explain, but I almost felt like I was in the Matrix or on the holodeck.

When I got to Salesforce for my first of two meetings, I was pretty beat. I guess if I wanna go to R&Gs for lunch, I might be taking a cab in the near term. After two meetings, and a walk around 7L and 8L to see friends and co-workers, I was pooped.  It was 4:30p, and I was totally ready to crash. The problem? I had 8th row seats for the Phillies/Giants game (thanks, Raffi!) -- so I had to get a second wind.

Short version of the rest of the night: we MUNI'd to the park and walked to the 21st Amendment.  I drank a few beers, powered through an awesome game, got a lift back to UCSF (thanks, Brandon!) and made it home by about 11:30p. Raffi's sign made it on TV (the Philly feed.) Unforch, the only person who got a pic of it got a low-res shot. I guess it's better than nothin. Thanks, Blob!

Raffi and his Slingbox sign

The sign says: Hey MA, tell POP to fix my Slingbox. I can't miss any more of this incredible season.  P.S. Send Scrapple. (The P.S. didn't make it on TV, but apparently Sarge was talkin' about the sign.)

Update: Raffi sent me a higher-res image. It's darker, but you can see the sign much better. Click for full-rez:

Higher rez sign shot

Brandon and Shannon after the game -- he loves it!

THAT's a full day, right? So the question is, how would I feel Saturday? A year ago, I could get up pretty early do whatever I had to do, and do it all over again. Now? Not even close, bud. Saturday was totally about resting. No way in hell I could do another full day. I got up around 10:30a. Don't worry, my awesome Mother-in-Law, Diana, has been in town, so Heather had help getting the kids out to swimming.

A friend came over, and we walked into town for brunch, so at least I was able to get a walk in, but I don't think I did much but sit in my chair for the rest of the day. We definitely get more odd looks for wearing Philly gear in San Rafael than we do in San Francisco, but I guess that makes sense.

ill Meggie at T&J's in SR.

Sunday was another reasonably full day. Dave, Heather, Floyd and I went to brunch at Momo's and then the series finale at AT&T Park. The Giants finally won a game, which kinda made it alright with everyone. The Phils won the series so we were pretty satisfied (and honestly, was anyone really expecting Oswalt to outpitch Timmy on his first game back off the DL?) I imagine it would have been a lot harder getting out of there had the Phils swept.

Momo's: What's going on here, Uncle Dave?

The brunch at Momo's was actually really good. I didn't expect much, but the bloody was decent, the mocha was fine, and the eggs bene were great. I'd go back. Floyd was extremely well-behaved too.

jg and brown watching... something.  Floyd eating a peanut.

Mommy, Daddy, and Floyd in front of AT&T Park

Everyone loved Floyd's broom -- even the Giants fans gave  us props.

On Sunday night, Heather, Diana, and I watched Unknown (Liam Neeson.) Some of the reviews said it was predictable, but we thought it was great. Another "full day" was complete. So how did I feel this morning? Tired. It wasn't quite like Saturday -- maybe because I only drank water at the game. I got a nice walk in and helped Heather garden a bit, but I also took a two hour nap.

So I dunno, September 1 might be a little soon, but we'll see how it goes the next couple weeks. We're taking Floyd to Outside Lands on Friday, so that'll be another test.

Oh yeah, the Tuesday setlist from Little Arrows.  Here ya go:

Hello Song
Joy ->
Trick of the Tail
Hey You ->
Breathe ->
Time ->
Breathe (reprise)
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Oh! Darling
Half Step
Goodbye Song

I wonder what I'll play tomorrow.

Last pic -- the new kitties -- they are so affectionate and playful. We scored!

Bandit still tries to nurse. Skye won't have any of it.

Its ass continues to be kicked,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I heart all the Greenes, but the F-man a.k.a. Truck is my bro! I assume the ice cream cone transmogrification has worn off by this point?

    You look, you are, great. The energy will return in its own due course. After time on the DL, you gotta build it all back with your rehab starts. You've blown through single-A and AA in record time, and you're in AAA now, getting your groove back. It's always a mistake to rush it. Besides, everyone's always better than before* after Tommy John surgery.

    * - typo fixed.

  3. Rock on man... but when are we going to hear some recordings of the Little Arrow sessions? Are they on yet?


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