May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

You were gonnnnne....

Blogging Tunes: Howard Stern - 3/29/10

Today is Day "Minus 1."  I get the stem cells tomorrow!  I'm trying to focus on that so I'm not bummin about the rest of what's going on, which is:

1) I've been here for more than a week and I miss my family.
2) My energy level and appetite are extremely low, and if that weren't enough, last night I had excruciating stomach pains/cramps that even morphine couldn't relieve.  Ugh.
3) This morning, while I was in the shower, the nurse apparently threw my BlackBerry into the dirty linen basket with the old sheets.  By the time I realized it was gone, the linens were on their way to the laundry.  They are on some wild-goose chase trying to track it down now, but I don't hold much faith in their sleuthing skills.  If they don't recover it by tomorrow, I guess I'll get another one.  Anyone have BlackBerry Bold on Sprint?  Like it?  I wonder if I could port my number to a Salesforce phone.  I'll have to ask about that.

Oy gavalt.

I will kick its ass,



  1. Good luck with everything! We love you very much!

  2. Hey JG - It's ass-kickin' time. Definitely worth focusing on tomorrow's stem cells! The countdown is ticking!!

    Good luck tomorrow!
    Good vibes coming your way!!

  3. March 30 8:30 a.m. here in Brussels... so, ...GOOD LUCK TODAY!!!!!

    Kick its ass!!!!!

    Nous pensons bien à toi aujourd'hui...
    Michel et Michele

  4. Good luck, JG! Saw "the music never stopped" last night and thought about u a lot. We love u, buddy and can't wait to see u.

  5. Very positive vibes coming your way for today and always! YWKIA my friend!

  6. Sorry to hear about the rough day - thinking about you today with love as you round third and head for home plate! KIA!

  7. Sending positive thoughts and positive energy and all our love...

    Mom and Dad

  8. Stay strong, buddy. You are and continue to be an inspiration. You WKIA!

    lots of love

    ejsphilly & the Simons

  9. Good Luck JG. YWKIA

  10. Thinking of you and sending lots of love. You got this, JG!

  11. Floyd, Orion and I love you and miss you verrrrrrrrry much!

    From Floyd: uuruuuzXfkcmmcmC<C,,ee!!!!A!AZ!!!<Z llllllooo[,<<F ggpo[ gp[o t['t[g;kgtkgtkk;gt;kktg

    Kick its ass dah-dee!

  12. The FAA just reported unusual static in the air above central San Francisco. It's caused by all the love and good vibes being sent to you from around the world. They're probably going to divert air traffic around it all.

    We are pulling for you with our whole hearts.

  13. Happy Birthday!

    In NYC or I'd be there to sing to you. I happen to have a few "friends" in IT who will be able to help you out with your BBRY sitch. Hugs.


  14. Thanks all!

    @KOW, prob gonna have Heather grab me a BB Torch (or whatever the last model is that supports Sprint) and I'll just get a new Enterprise activation code from IT. I'll buzz you if I need help. Have fun in NYC!

  15. Cristiano and I are sending our love and good vibes from Texas. Wish we could be closer, but having the frequent updates via blog has been great in the meantime (Cri's been interviewing in SF). Sounds like you got a great match; can't wait to hear how the transfer goes!


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