May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Take me out to...

Blogging Tunes: somafm - Space Station

... the doctor.

This morning I have a follow-up appointment with the ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor.  If you recall, back in December, I had minor surgery for a nasty sinus infection.  It turned out to be fungal (which can be very serious in and of itself, let alone post-chemo) but everything seems to be OK now.  Still, we need to follow-up, so we're heading to the city bright and early for an 8:30a appt.  I do have this little bubble (feels like a tiny cyst?) above my left nostril, just below my eye -- so we'll get that checked out.

... the restaurant.

Whenever we go to the city, we always make sure to get something good to eat.  After all, I'm supposed to be eating everything in sight.  So far so good with that. As of 12/31/10, I weighed 138.  I'm now up to 150.  Twelve pounds in 3 weeks -- not too bad.  The question is, where to go for food?  My appointment will probably be done by 9:30a, so that pretty much focuses us on breakfast.  Hmmmm.... Zazie?  Ella's?  Kate's Kitchen?  Got any other ideas?  Comment within the next couple hours and maybe we'll go with your recommendation. :)

... the ballgame.

Floyd is starting to get really into baseball (well, wiffleball).

For some reason, he refuses to hit the ball off the tee now, so I started to pitch to him.  He loved hitting off the tee at the old apartment, but now he'll have nothing to do it with it. Kids are weird.

We obviously still have a bunch of fundamentals to work on.  His left hand leaves the bat before the ball even gets there -- and I thought Pat Burrell's follow through was bad; he doesn't hold the bat quite right; and he takes two or three steps toward the ball before he swings.  All that said, he makes contact about 30% of the time, and can really connect sometimes.  Here's a sequence of 4 pics taken from a video -- I'm having movie-conversion issues at the moment -- Windows Movie Maker doesn't read .mov files, and when I convert to .avi, it complains that no codec is installed (of course, the codec *is* installed) -- any ideas?  When I get it figured out I'll post a video.  We still owe your loyal readers some piano video, we'll get that too.  Anyway, here are the pics.  Click each for a bigger version.



*Base Hit!*

*Hi Five*

... the hospital.

On Tuesday 1/25/11, I'll be going back to UCSF (for about 3 weeks) for another round of chemo.  Even though I'm in remission, they want to make sure the Luekemia stays away before we start the bone marrow transplant (BMT) which is slated for early-mid March.  If folks want to plan a UCSF visit, I'll be very healthy and energetic that first week.  The following week, probably not so much.  Drop me an email and we'll set something up.  Totally bummed that I'm gonna miss Tripp's annual Super Bowl party, but what can you do.  Benji, got a line on a 4G card?  Network speed is pretty atrocious on 11 Long.

I will kick its ass,



  1. lmm!!!! Awesome shots of F, btw :x

  2. Next time, cranberry or banana nut bread French toast at Mama's. Mmmmmm... That will put on the weight fast.

    If you can fix Floyd's form, we'll send over our daughter next.

    Chris & Tina W.

  3. Missed this post until tonight, but when you get out of UCSF hit up Dottie's True Blue Cafe for breakfast. I was in town 2 weeks ago and had banana chocolate chip bread french toast. Pretty sure that's a guaranteed 3 pounds right there.



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