May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Ticking away, the moments of 2010

Blogging tunes: Howard Stern - 1/28/2010, 2/1/2010

Other than the fact that I haven't been able to see Heather -- she got strep throat and can't visit until tomorrow -- this holiday week has been pretty good.  I've been feeling progressively better throughout the week and my counts have been coming up BIG over the last few days.  That's huuuuuge.

The only bad news is that from the preliminary low-res scans, it doesn't look like my brother is going to be a BMT match.  That means we'll probably need to use the database and look for an unrelated marrow donor.  Speaking of which, it looks like there's an all day Marrow Drive at Salesforce on 1/6/11 at One Cal.  Salesforce employees reading this blog: please spread the word.  How incredible would it be if a SF sfdc employee was a match for me?  For more info, please reach out to Charles Gutro, Kirsten Wolberg, or Benji Jasik.

I'm also still having a tough time maintaining my weight.  I'm eating as much as I can, but as of today, I'm down to 140lb (from 165 in October), and if I'm not careful, my wedding ring slips right off my ring finger.  As I type this, it's on my index finger for safe keeping.

Shifting gears, I know the Northeast got pounded this past weekend with crazy snow (we'll discuss the Iggles in a bit), but it's been pretty nutty here as well.  Two nights ago, crazy rain and winds caused a neighbor's tree to topple down into our yard taking some wires with it.  Heather saw fireworks in the trees and called 911 and PG&E.  Our house was without power for a few hours, but the rest of the neighborhood was dark for 24 hours!  Here are a couple pics of the East part of the yard:

Yesterday, the rain finally stopped and the views from my room have been spectacular:

There was even a rainbow yesterday morning:

This was/is also a week of visitors.  I've gotten visits from Brown, IanG, Tripp, and jmomo.  jmomo (JoshM/UncleBruce), my good friend and long-time co-host of the Time Machine radio show at vSide, took my lappie and iPad and got me all upgraded.  My iPad was running the old OS, and the network here was too spotty to download/upgrade the new one.

Tripp came by on Tuesday night for that pathetic Eagles game against the Vikings.  Raffi was gonna come, but came down with a cold.  With the #2 seed in their sites, the Eagles laid a big fat egg and are now locked into the #3 seed, which means that (hopefully) they will rest everyone in the final (meaningless) game against the Cowgirls so they can get ready for the playoffs.  If my counts keep going up, and I stay healthy, I could be home for wildcard weekend!  After watching games on the 13" screen in my room and via slingbox on my iPad, watching football in HD will be so sweet.  Go Birds!

Later today, I was supposed to see Sinead (from Kezar Pub) but she came down with a cold.  Not to be outdone, my morning visitor had to cancel because she picked up something too.  Ya gotta be 100% healthy or they won't let you in.  

Mickey (sfdc) is coming by around lunchtime with a few more movies for me.  This week, I watched Terminator 2, 3, and 4; The Living Matrix (a documentary on the new science of healing); and Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii.  Heather has a crush on young David Gilmour.  Here ya go, honey:

Yesterday, I had my second accu-pressure massage from Jnani.  She's absolutely awesome.  I'm going to get them every Wednesday until I get outta here -- which will hopefully be only one more week!

I've also been reading a great book on my Kindle called The Last Lecture.  Brad, Jordan, and the sfdc T3 crew bought be a Kindle and an Amazon gift cert last month, and I'm finally starting to use it.  The Last Lecture, though, was a gift from one of the nurses at St. Mary's.  Thanks, Judy!  You can check it out on Amazon here.

Lastly, Floyd continues to have a blast with gramma in Massachusetts.  Yesterday, they went to the Science Museum and met my good friends Scott and Doug and their kids.  Gramma didn't take too many pics, but here's one from the museum:

and one of him vacuuming (a pre-req to his getting to go to the museum):

Oh, and here's a pic of baby-O trying to eat some pizza crust:

and then cracking a smile:

We still have a long, long way to go here, gang, but things are looking up.  So have a great New Year's and think positive healthy thoughts for you, your family, and of course, me.  :)

I will kick its ass,



  1. Hey JG!

    Glad to see you are starting to feel better, counts going up. I pray it only gets better from here!

    Floyd and Orion are getting so big! I remember like it was yesterday how excited you were before Floyd was born. You have an amazing little family.

    Also, I finally found a place that will type and let me donate bone marrow down in Seattle. I'm going to jet down there as soon as I'm able to. Never know, right?

    Hope that you keep getting more love, more great visitors (Jmomo with TMQ!), and nothing but good times ahead. You are in the thoughts and prayers of people all over the world. You will kick its ass!


  2. Another great update! :-)

    Freaky about the tree.. but awesome post rain views. Nice rainbow. ....woah! all-the-way! What does it mean?

    Saw Fletch last night in your honor. Some light reading:

    I'm heading your way in January! Will be in San Rafael in the Jan 19-23 timeframe. Tix bought!! Keep healthy so I can see you! Congrats on the counts! You gotta eat, tho, man. Stuff yer face.


  3. Always good to hear from you -- sorry about your brother not being a match. I've been on the registry for years and just walked through getting Cri on. He's SURE he'll be a match for you :)

    Happy New Year from both of us!


  4. Thinking of you and your family jg, Happy New Year to you all from Ceri and myself. Keep kicking it's ass! We'll look forward to visiting you real soon.



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