May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

The Final Countdown

Blogging Tunes: Howard Stern - 1/19/10

About 4 weeks ago, I had a craving for Pop Tarts -- no idea where it came from.  So Charles brought me some Strawberry and Blueberry Muffin flavored frosted Pop Tarts.  By the time he brought them, though, the craving had passed, and then my appetite started to disappear.

Fast forward to 6:45a PT today.  As I sit down to compose my final blog entry from St. Mary's, there's an absolutely gorgeous San Francisco sunrise starting.  Here's a view of the fog layer before the sun made its appearance:

and a few minutes later:

My Blackberry camera really doesn't do these pictures any kind of justice, but trust me, the view is simply spectacular. Click here for some real pictures of San Francisco sunrises (via flickr).

Anyway, I had the nurse bring me a milk, and I busted into the Pop Tarts this morning :)

Haven't had one in I-don't-know-how-many years.  Yummmmm!

Anyway, it looks like they are going to spring me at noon!  I can't believe it -- I've been here for so long.  So I gotta get some stuff together as I'm sure doctors are going to start popping in left and right.  Before I do, though, I wanted to share a few pictures from Heather and Floyd's visit yesterday.  Yep, in addition to visiting Saturday, they came by Monday after Acrosports (an activity that Floyd still does in the city through the end of the month).

We even went outside for a few minutes.  First time I'd been outside in a month!  Damn.

Big hug!

Look at the camera, buddy!

So if all goes well, my next blog entry will be authored from our new house in San Rafael.

Before I press "publish," I want to recognize a few very special people here at St. Mary's.  Overall, the staff has been very good.  I've probably had 20 different nurses, and with the exception of one or two, they are all good.  Still, there are always a couple standouts and I want to give them props.  So big thanks to the following exceptional nurses: Mary, Regina, Myung Ju (Judy), and Chelsea.  These four brought their A+ game every shift.  Thanks for making my stay a good one.  And of course, mega-props to Cheri, Dr. Bobs, right-hand nurse.

So the plan is: outta here at noon; one day at home; 8am appointment at UCSF Thursday morning.  No rest for the weary.  Thanks for your support everyone.

I will kick its ass,



  1. Hard to believe that I'm actually reading this Post and the good news of your getting out in a few hours. I'm sure it will be overwhelming and exciting, and it's great to know that Round #1 is history.

    All the best to you, Heather and the Kids in the new home.

  2. Great news!!

    We love you very much!

  3. That is what I'm talking about! Homeward bound, I'm so happy for you, man. You took this all with such grace and patience... an inspiration. Stay strong, and enjoy your new digs!!

  4. Love your photos! (and flickr photos!)

  5. Yay! Good news! Love the photos of you and your family. Thinking of you out here in Western MA.

    Nancy & Steve

  6. You are bringing your kids the best Hannukhah present by going home


  8. That's soooo awesome! One small step for giant leap for Greene-kind! Good luck and lot's of love from Mike & Yasha

  9. Maisy and I are doing a little dance of joy for Uncle John's homecoming! XOXO

  10. Congrats for getting through this stage! I know your time in your new home will be awesome.

    Continue to kick ass.

  11. Woohoo!!!! I hope to see the next post with some pictures of you in the new house. Your head is looking a lot like "circa 1995 (I think) Leslie Yahia at the yeP!house Halloweeen party"-era jg head.

    No mention of the Pats/Jets game in your post today, though... I'm a little disappointed.

    Good luck with the transition, and kick it's ass.

  12. In a word: WUSSUM!! Congrats, dude. Enjoy the new home and WHN! You deserve it! You did, indeed, kick the ass of Phase One!

  13. Alright! Best news ever! Dare I say even better than any news that could be delivered at DF08 ;). Have a great holiday with the family and the new home. -MG

  14. Best wishes to you, Heather and the boys on your new home. Your strength is truly amazing and an inspiration to all! Keep kickin' its ass my friend!!!

  15. Great news, John! Thanks for sharing your experience at St. Mary's.

  16. Yeah!!!! So glad you're at home Jaggu dada... Keep kicking its assss...

  17. Yay, great news! Congrats on kicking phase one's ass. Hope you're having an awesome time at home with Heather and the boys. xo, Grace


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