May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Mid-day update - one mile walk

After a shower and a wardrobe change, I felt good enough to take a stroll.  They tell me that if you do a full lap around the entire 8th floor, that's 800 feet.  So I just did that 7 seven times.  By the 4th or 5th lap, I was getting a bunch of thumbs up from the staff.

Tired now.  Gonna nap. 

I will kick its ass,



  1. You are a rock star! I remember walking the distance from my room to the baby room the first night after my c-section to get Hope. I woke up and wanted her next to me. They said if I could make it that I could bring her back with me. Damn straight! Your mile kicks my walk's ass. See, already kicking ass, Jay Gee! xoxoxo from Philly.

  2. John, you can do this. Just remember...zofran is your friend!

  3. Hey John - it's Jeanette from work. Sending you lots of positive vibes! And yes you will kick its ass! A close friend of mine's mom was diagnosed with AML earlier this year and she is home - growing her hair back :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i love reading your blog JGizzle, keep 'em coming!!! Like being kept in the loop on your condition. STAY STRONG brother; thinking about you daily.

    I will be rooting for the Eagles for the first time in my life on Monday night bc I know it will bring you joy! Damn, never thought I would say that.

  6. Hi John, this is Carol from work. Look at you, kickin' ass! Will they let you bike around the 8th floor as well? ;)

  7. Keep up the laps, bro. You just have to promise me that, on every lap, you'll say "holy sh*t a castle!"

  8. Hi there -
    This is Nancy - Steve Cook's wife. He shared your blog and I have read through your posts. Great attitude - stay strong! Cancer is a bitch! I know --- I hope you have seen my blog too -- finished my regime about a week ago and can't wait to feel normal. I guess that may be a while. I thought I would post on your mile walk post since I think that is really a great healing thing to do while in treatment - so keep it up. Know that we are thinking of you and sending prayers, etc. your way!

    Nancy & Steve

  9. - Just wanted to share a link to my blog if you are interested in reading.

    Kick it's ass!

  10. Oh yeah.. Crazy Sexy Cancer is another good vid documentary worth watching. :)

  11. That pic of you shows the stance of a warrior! You are kicking its ass right now.

  12. John, I just heard about your fight. I love that you're rockin the Steal Your Face in the hospital hallways -- when you get back to the office we'll have to talk a little Jerry! In the meanwhile, here's a little box of rain to help out:

    Maybe you're tired and broken
    Your tongue is twisted
    with words half spoken
    and thoughts unclear
    What do you want me to do
    to do for you to see you through
    A a box of rain will ease the pain
    and love will see you through

    Kick its ass!
    Caroline (from work)

  13. Hey JG just heard update from Brad. Good to see you doin laps. You WILL Kick its ass!!!

    Sendin you positive vibes and always GO IGGLES

    Andy G


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