May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Another gorgeous day in SF

Tunes this morning: Mark Knopfler - Shangri-La

What I wouldn't give to be able to go to the Cal/Oregon game today.  I don't really even like College Football, but Charles has turned me into quite the Ducks fan, and now that means more than it ever did.  At least it's on regular TV.

Worst night so far sleep-wise.  Turns out there's some utility closet directly across the hall.  All night long people going in and out, not really being careful to close the door quietly.  Oh well, what can you do?  I just forced myself to get the eff up, open the shade and soak in the sun and the beautiful view.  It helps, but I'm definitely low-energy today.  They say my red blood count is dropping, so they are going to give me more blood.   Not to sound like a chapter out of Twilight, but at this point, I'm not going to say no to blood.  When I got my first transfusion last Friday night, it made me feel 10x better.

Haven't been able to eat much lately -- as expected.  Literally didn't touch my dinner last night.  Just water, ice chips, and cranberry juice.  They are probably going to breakfast soon.  Maybe I'll eat a piece of toast.

Doogie Hauser, my resident dcotor dude just came in looking a bit haggard.  He's a good guy.  I like our morning talks.

Gonna rest for a little while and then maybe take a walk when Brown visits.

I will kick its ass,



  1. Thanks for sharing everything on the blog, John. I've been really moved and inspired by your great attitude, as always. I just sent Laura an email to see if I can help out with anything while we're still neighbours here. Stay strong.

  2. Tomorrow, Cal will play Stanford at Quiddich. It is a damn shame you will miss that! ;-) Your recap of the loud night sounds familiar. Why don't they just let everyone sleep!?! I've been thinking about you a lot and I know you will kick its ass. Big hugs from me,
    Mary Scotton (aka, one of little g's moms)

  3. Happy Sunday my bro! I know you are feeling crappy, but you have to muster up enough energy to root for the Cowgirls over the NYGiants today. I know you will be watching. So, feel good, plan your naps right, and the Birds game tomorrow night will be so much sweeter after the Cowgirls upset the Giants today. Have a great day! dg

  4. Niners game will be on :| Not sure I want to deal with the laptop and the low-bandwidth feed.

  5. Not to worry about Dallas... Dad and I are in charge!

  6. Dude.. stick a friendly note on that utility door. Might be worth it.

    Enjoy the pint (of blood, I mean).... we'll share a pint (of beer) at some fuditure date.


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