May 31, 2024: jgwkia has moved to substack

JGWKIA (jg will kick its ass) has moved to substack. You can access (and subscribe to) it by clicking here.

The full URL to my substack is There will be no more new posts here, and eventually will point there, not here. Bye bye Blogger!

Anonymous Comments Enabled

I figured just about everyone reading this blog has a google account, so I also figured everyone would be able to "login to comment."  Alas, several people have told me that they couldn't figure out how to comment on blog posts.  Well, today's your lucky day (Dougie, Johan, others).  I've changed the comments setting so you don't have to be logged in.  Now anyone under the sun can comment.  As long as the spam bots don't find me and start using the comments for advertising, I'll leave it set like this, so y'all can comment away.  Enjoy!

All that said, isn't it cooler to actually login, become a follower, have your little icon there, etc?  ;)

I will kick its ass,



  1. Hi John,

    my good friend Laura from college ran the Philly Marathon yesterday. I went to school in Pennsylvania and she still lives on the East Coast. I donated to her Team in Training team - before I found out you had AML but it took on a special meaning after I found out you are sick. I thought you would get a nice boost from the thank you email she sent out last night.

    Cheers, Jeanette (from work)

    I DID IT! I can’t believe I’m typing that, but it’s true, I completed the Philly Marathon today! It was an unbelievable experience-and quite a painful one as well--but I pushed through the wall and finished. The best was seeing my family right before the finish line--so awesome!

    I just wanted to write and thank you again for all of your support for my Team In Training efforts to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. On behalf of blood cancer patients throughout the country, thank you. We are closer to a cure because of you and your contributions.

    The past 4 months of training with TNT brought home the impact this organization has on people. Thank you so much for your generosity. I can’t express to you the difference we are making! I’ve crossed my finish line but we still have work to cross the ultimate finish line – a cure.

    Thank you. Hope to see you soon.

    All the best,

  2. Hey JG:

    I finally fixed my feed thingee so I'll be keeping up to your progress daily now.


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